
special survey meaning in Chinese



  1. Form of special survey and the design of questionnaire
  2. A number of special surveys is being conducted , or will shortly be launched , to enrich our understanding of the various aspects of the mobile population , especially those travelling across the boundary to the mainland
  3. The owner was much satisfied with our quality service and gave us the relative plans to design the project for the conversion from single bottom double hull into double bottom double hull in the next special survey of 2006
  4. Investigation action refers to different special surveys and compulsory measures which are made to collect and find evidences and save the suspects by the investigation organs . different investigation actions bind from beginning to end , and form a complete investigation procedure

Related Words

  1. surveying
  2. surveys
  3. survey
  4. surveyed
  5. specials
  6. special
  7. special surplus
  8. special surplus account
  9. special survey during construction
  10. special survey of automated
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